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Do NOT use this form in an emergency – contact one of our clinics or your nearest hospital emergency department instead.
Some services may not be performed by your preferred doctor or at your preferred clinic. We will confirm this with you before making an appointment.
With a reputation for excellence, Vision Eye Institute Chatswood offers a comprehensive range of ophthalmic services in Sydney. Our clinical team is led by internationally recognised specialists in laser eye surgery, refractive lens exchange, laser cataract surgery, corneal conditions, retinal conditions and glaucoma to name a few. Several of our doctors are pioneers in the field of laser eye surgery in Australia – together, they have helped correct vision for more than 50,000 patients.
Surgical and vision correction procedures are performed on-site at our co-located day surgery and laser suite (Chatswood Day Surgery), ensuring patient convenience and continuity of care.
Emergency cases are referred to the Sydney Eye Hospital or the Royal North Shore Hospital.
If you are considering laser eye surgery, we offer a free initial assessment (laser suitability assessment) with our clinical team to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria. These assessments are available throughout the week.
If you are eligible, the next step is a more thorough consultation with one of our ophthalmologists who will answer all your questions in preparation for booking your laser eye surgery.
Consultations with an ophthalmologist attract a fee (a Medicare rebate is available). There is no obligation to proceed with surgery after consulting with one of our ophthalmologists. However, you are required to have a consultation with an ophthalmologist before proceeding with surgery.
For your convenience, we offer flexible interest-free payment options for laser eye surgery only, in partnership with humm and Latitude Gem Visa.
humm* provides interest-free payment plans you can repay over time.
Latitude Gem Visa† may be available for laser eye surgery procedures (credit limit subject to approval). Latitude Gem Visa offers interest-free payment plans, low monthly account fees and fast approval.
What are you waiting for? or click here to book a suitability assessment for laser eye surgery or a consultation with one of our ophthalmologists.
*Payment plan approved applicants only. $8 monthly fee plus other fees, terms, conditions, minimum amounts and exclusions apply. For full terms & conditions please go to https://www.shophumm.com/au/important-information/. Payment plan provided by humm BNPL Pty Limited (ABN 28 129 228 986) a subsidiary of humm group limited.
†Approved customers only. Conditions, fees and charges apply. Credit provided by Latitude Finance Australia ABN 42 008 583 588 Australian Credit Licence number 392145.
BSc MBBS MMed(OphthSc) MMed(ClinEpi)(Hons) Genomics(PGcert) FRCOphth FRANZCO
Great service and excellent customer service. I was in great hands from start to finish
Efficient, friendly knowledgable
Organised and efficient
Vision Eye Institute Chatswood has been at the forefront of technological advancements in ophthalmology for 20 years. The clinic has a contemporary interior and features 2 comfortable reception areas, 14 consulting rooms and a treatment room for minor procedures. We are equipped with the latest-generation diagnostic equipment such as an optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging system for detailed imaging of the retina, Optos for wide-angle retinal imaging, Humphrey visual field testing (HVF), selective laser trabeculectomy (SLT) for glaucoma treatment and Pentacam High Resolution for corneal topography imaging.
We are conveniently co-located with Chatswood Day Surgery, allowing surgical and vision correction procedures to be performed on-site. Our dedicated laser suite has state-of-the-art technology for LASIK, ASLA/PRK and SMILE® laser eye surgery, including the Zeiss Visumax femtosecond laser and the Schwind Amaris excimer laser. The day surgery is equipped with the Alcon LenSx femtosecond laser platform for laser cataract surgery.
If you live in a regional area, we are often able to provide same-day consultation and surgery. Call us to find out more.
To assist patients who speak Mandarin, Cantonese, and Malay, our NSW clinics offers a free Chinese Patient Liaison service. Patients can contact the Chinese Patient Liaison Team for appointment bookings, enquiries, and to request translation services on 02 9052 1886. This service must be booked in advance and can be provided in-person or via video conference.
为了帮助讲普通话、粤语和马来语的患者,我们的新南威尔士州诊所提供免费的中文患者联络服务。患者可以通过电话 02 9052 1886 联系中文患者联络团队进行预约、咨询,并申请翻译服务。此服务需要提前预约,并可通过面对面或视频会议形式提供。
Collectively, our leading doctors in Sydney diagnose and treat the complete range of ophthalmological conditions – some of which are detailed below. Our doctors work alongside qualified orthoptists, optometrists and other support staff. Our new optometrist Justine Guimm will be on hand to assist you. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, thoroughly investigating your condition prior to recommending or commencing treatment.
Emergency cases are referred to the Sydney Eye Hospital or the Royal North Shore Hospital.
Our highly regarded surgeons have a wealth of experience in laser eye surgery – in fact, they were the first in Australia to perform LASIK, the first in Australia to perform ASLA/PRK and the first in Sydney to perform SMILE. Furthermore, we currently perform the highest number of SMILE procedures in Australia. In addition to laser eye surgery procedures, our vision correction doctors also specialise in refractive lens exchange or lens implant.
You will require an initial assessment where we’ll determine if vision correction surgery is an option for you. We can help most people who wear glasses, even if you’ve previously been told you don’t qualify.
Call us on 1800 1 LASER or click here to book an appointment for laser eye surgery.
Read more about laser eye surgery in Sydney
All laser eye surgery is conveniently performed at our on-site laser suite, while all other forms of vision correction surgery are performed at our co-located day surgery.
We offer buy now, pay later (BNPL) payment options for laser eye surgery only, in partnership with humm and Gem Visa.
humm* provides interest-free payment plans you can repay over time. Learn more about humm
Latitude Gem Visa† may be available for laser eye surgery procedures (credit limit subject to approval). Latitude Gem Visa offers interest-free payment plans, low monthly account fees and fast approval. Learn more about Latitude
*Payment plan approved applicants only. $8 monthly fee plus other fees, terms, conditions, minimum amounts and exclusions apply. For full terms & conditions please go to https://www.shophumm.com/au/important-information/. Payment plan provided by humm BNPL Pty Limited (ABN 28 129 228 986) a subsidiary of humm group limited.
†Approved customers only. Conditions, fees and charges apply. Credit provided by Latitude Finance Australia ABN 42 008 583 588 Australian Credit Licence number 392145.
In 2011, Vision Eye Institute Chatswood became the first clinic in the Southern Hemisphere to perform laser cataract surgery and currently performs the most laser cataract procedures in Australia.
A cataract is an opacity (cloudiness) of the lens in the eye that leads to decreased vision. It often requires correction through surgical removal, where the opaque lens is replaced with an artificial lens. Traditionally, the surgeon performed the entire operation, however, a femtosecond laser can now be used to perform certain steps.
Read more about laser cataract surgery in Sydney
All cataract surgery is performed at our co-located day surgery.
Our corneal specialists treat a wide range of corneal conditions, including keratoconus, corneal ulcers, recurrent corneal erosion, corneal dystrophies and pterygium (surfer’s eye). Treatment may require a number of complex procedures, including corneal ring implants, pterygium removal and collagen cross-linking.
Read more about corneal procedures
Minor procedures can be performed in the clinic’s consulting or treatment rooms. However, most corneal procedures take place in our on-site laser suite or co-located day surgery.
The retina is the innermost (back) layer of the eye. There are several conditions that may affect the retina, including retinal detachment, age-related macular degeneration, epiretinal membrane, macular hole and diabetic retinopathy. Our retinal specialists treat and manage all of these conditions.
Depending on the condition, treatment may involve eye injections, laser therapy or retinal surgery. Retinal laser treatment is performed in the clinic’s consulting or treatment rooms, whereas retinal surgery is performed in our co-located day surgery.
If you have a retinal condition, we may use dilating eye drops at your appointment, which allows us to view your retina clearly. However, it will blur your vision and increase sensitivity to glare for 4–6 hours afterwards. Importantly, you will not be able to drive home from your appointment and you should make alternative arrangements.
Read more about retinal procedures
Glaucoma is a common group of conditions that usually involves increased pressure inside the eye. If it is not treated appropriately, it can gradually lead to a permanent loss of vision. However, our glaucoma specialists can manage the condition and reduce the pressure in the eye through a number of treatment options.
Treatment options include medication, laser treatment and surgery. Initially, medicated eye drops are used to manage the condition. If this is not sufficient, laser procedures, including selective laser trabeculoplasty and laser peripheral iridotomy, are performed. These laser procedures can be performed as a day procedure in our laser treatment room. For patients with glaucoma who do not respond to these treatments, surgical procedures (e.g. filtration surgery and MIGS/iStent) may be required. Surgery is performed at our co-located day surgery.
Read more about glaucoma treatment
We are committed to continuously monitoring and improving customer service. Our practice has developed a quality management system to meet the requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards and achieve certification. These standards focus on the effectiveness of a practice’s quality management system in meeting the needs of its customer. Please let our reception staff know if you wish to provide us with feedback on our service – we welcome and appreciate all input.
SMILE® is a registered trademark of Carl Zeiss Meditec
The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.
Our Chatswood eye clinic in Sydney, NSW, is conveniently located in the business hub of Chatswood on Sydney’s north shore, around 15 minutes’ drive from the city centre. There is free parking for 3 hours at the Chatswood Chase shopping centre, located just 300 metres opposite the clinic.
There is limited disabled parking at our premises (basement level of the car park).
Our Chatswood eye clinic in Sydney is accessible by a variety of public transport options. Chatswood Train Station, located about 600 metres away, is a short walk from our clinic and connects to both the T1 North Shore Line and the newly opened Sydney Metro Northwest train line, enhancing access from the outer west. The Chatswood interchange also serves several bus routes, including 115, 120, 137 and 275 and 281, all stopping right beside our clinic.
The clinic has lift access for people with limited mobility.